FDT 2.0
on Martin Luther King Jr. Day — a day meant to embody justice, equality, & hope — america swears in the smallest man to ever hold power.
the better angels of our nature have been toppled, cast down by those who have allowed the well of human empathy & moral reasoning to run dry. on this sacred day, we honor a man who gave his life fighting for the soul of true democracy, yet history mocks progress in real time. on Martin Luther King Jr. Day — a day meant to embody justice, equality, & hope — america swears in the smallest man ever to hold power. trump’s inauguration isn’t just an insult to Dr. King’s legacy; it is a chilling echo of history, a moment synchronous with the rise of other egomaniacal leaders who exploit fear & division, stealing power from the people by convincing them they have none.
like hitler’s rise destroyed germany’s democracy, trump’s ascent seals america’s fate. nearly a decade ago, he orchestrated this dangerous backward slide — a descent into propaganda, hatred, & billionaire control. innocent blood will be shed, & ‘never again’ will become a bitter joke. the damage maga inflicts & the lives they destroy will depend entirely on how silent the majority remains.
today doesn’t just take us backward — it leads to collapse. america the brave officially left the building on november 5, 2024. the land of the free teeters on the edge, & when it falls — pushed by small men with oversized egos — it will crumble under the weight of its own corruption. perhaps, from the ashes, a new nation will rise, one that truly embodies equality & justice for all.
the question isn’t when it ends, but how much we will endure before we choose to rise.
-dc lozano