What The?! DFT Gagged or is that Just Us Gagging?
I can’t take my eyes off the MAGA Hate Machine!
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. — Bertrand Russell
Y’all I am riddled with doubts. Any breeze makes me sound like a whistle on top of a whistle. Do you doubt me? How wise of you. So, let’s dig into this newest palm-sized indent on my face.
😲What The … is wrong with me? I can’t take my eyes off the MAGA Hate Machine! Has there ever been a more Chaotic Caucus? It is non-stop, undiluted muckery — & please, feel free to take the “f” off of any word here & replace that “m” before uckery. Holy. Moly. It’s always been a hard world, harder for some than others, but Right Here, Right Now in these 50 states? It’s so much harder than it ever needed to be because hate has trumped love since we all started seeing red … hats everywhere. Jesus Effing Jones.
🆚 But maybe politics is just an age old story of good vs. evil. Like a Tragic Novel with a decidedly American bent. Where we used to have Dr. Zhivago, we now have Dr. Oz. Where Anna Karenina threw herself in front of a train because she lacked agency and freedom, we now have, well, that’s a never-ending allegory. Where once someone yelled up the balcony to win over the other side with pretty words, to melt the hearts of families feuding, we now just have nonsense yelled across aisles & politicians running around with their AR-15s threatening to put a Cap(ulet) in your ass. Oh, what light through yonder window breaks? ’Tis J6ers storming the sacred halls of democracy to literally decorate the walls with their feces as they look for a kill, a Nancy or a Mike.
🤹Every. Damn. Day. There is some sort of Trumpian antic meant to distract and confuse. The MAGA extremists wave blame & shame around like a flu cough spreading germs. They cross their fingers as they say, we aren’t doing what you see us doing, you are! Are we all just living in a false world and the machine’s newest entertainment is watching us fall to our doom at the hands of a madman while our bodies power the Matrix onward? Seriously, some days I doubt all I thought I knew or believed about human decency.
🤯 For example: The Leading Candidate for the Republican party is DFT. (Yes, that’s the same “F” as before.) It’s absurd, it’s astonishing, it’s laughable; but, also it’s soberingly, chillingly real. How can Americans move forward, in any sort of collective manner of kindness & hope, when the yuck & yeesh of all the MAGA extremists continues clogging the filters of decency — is it just lack of oxygen making compliant, red hatted head-nodders of many a good person. They can’t all be evil. Right? Are they just victims of next-level identity theft where even they don’t know who they are? It’s true that the Narcissist of Mar-a-Lago has repeatedly committed fraud in every single aspect of his life. He is literally on trial right now for fraud, & every sane person on this planet & all those on every other planet knows he is guilty. He’s cuckoo for orange puffs, & his followers are gobbling it up.
🔫Another example: DFT recently told California Republicans in Anaheim that in his next administration (read: full-on fascist), he will encourage police officers to shoot shoplifters stores. This is so unhinged that the door is literally hanging on its frame. He sounds more like a syphilitic monarch: a Henry VIII, an Ivan the Terrible, a Maximilian I. We know DFT wants to destroy our justice system at worst & discredit it at best, in order to save his own gilded ass, & the thing is — it works, at least temporarily. The people there hurrahed themselves hoarse when DFT punctuated the air with a final “SHOT!” How can anyone want to live in a world like that? Just days before Anaheim, DFT called for Army Gen. Mark Milley to be executed!
🗳️This sort of non-stop, terrifying rhetoric should have pre-DFT Republicans running to the polls to re-register as anything else. It should motivate every person who is eligible to vote, to make a plan NOW for 2024 to check all the boxes that stand in opposition to MAGA extremism — to once & for all say no more of this tarnish on our country.
🏁 Whoa, right? I could go on & on, but it’s literally unending. Until we decide, TOGETHER, to end it. For now, I’ll leave you with some good-ish-ness. After the historic House eviction of Kevin McCarthy, Mary Trump had this to say on X: “Kevin McCarthy served as speaker for approximately 27 Scaramuccis.” Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
Sigh. Here’s to the wild hope in each of us, & “that birds would sing and think it were not night.”
Thunderbolt & lightning,
Dc Lozano
>>Written for PowerPAC.org