What The?! … The Emotional Men of the GOP 😫
Just another hormonal dude letting his emotions get the best of him.
It’s hard out here for a …. man? What The!? is going on with male-identifying politicians who are set on keeping their foot on the gas & the car in reverse? Nah, fellas, this time around, we aren’t going to be riding shotgun or sitting in the backseat while you drive us all over a cliff. Now, if Olivia Pope* were driving …
👴🏻Overall, I don’t think their past & present versions bode well for the future story of them. It’s always been said that history is written by the victors, but that was said at a time when people dipped their quills in ink. This is not a euphemism. Nowadays, man, we see you. We record you. Twitter is a hellhole, yes, but social media has changed the way we document history. They can’t scrub away the truth anymore: temper tantrums, tears, lies, violence, insecurity, mockery, bullying, gaslighting, size comparisons. They no longer get to spin it, call it grit, determination, bravery, protection, or god’s will. This time around — as they try to make history repeat itself by controlling women’s bodies, forcing the Queer community back into closets, & institutionalizing racism to maintain power, we know the truth — it’s just another hormonal dude letting his emotions get the best of him.
It’s episodic, these emotional men & their hysteria. Cases in point:
🦺The GOP is back to laying the Father Knows Best on thick, & we all know how close they are to making tactical gear the new men’s business casual. Even though the majority of Americans disagree with their harmful rhetoric & policymaking, there’s always a quick buck to be made off of the gross moment. For example, Sen. Josh Hawley wrote a book called, Manhood: The Masculine Virtues Americans Need. I mean, barf. Huffpost says “he laments how gaming and masturbation have caused a decline of men’s unique virtues, like courage, independence and assertiveness.” Insert facepalm, right? It’s the Upside down Breakfast at Tiffany’s starring Hawley GoDarkly!
🐶The Southern Baptist Convention voted last month to uphold the expulsion of two churches led by female pastors. The super conservative denomination also decided to double-down the smack-down by also banning women from “holding any kind of leadership position.” I’m no fan of megachurches or tiny churches for that matter. It’s no wonder with antics like these. The SoBap Bros are sticking with their timeless invention: God doesn’t want women on the pulpit because bros before hoes, obviously. The lady nay-sayers used the master’s slippery slope tools in their arguments including the recycled, they don’t want women pastors forced upon them — their words, not mine! They used the same sort of arguments against Marriage Equality. What’s next? If we allow women to lead churches, soon enough dogs will run our churches! I mean, that’s a church I’d actually go to. Imagine a church led by dogs where Unconditional Love & Pure Joy ensued everytime you walked through the door. Where can I tithe? I’d gladly give a million doggy biscuits, & I wouldn’t even care what the pooch’s pronouns were.
⚪️🛀🏻Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters came out recently as a total fool. Walters was caught on a camera he knew was there, so he meant it, saying that he does not want schoolchildren to be told that the Tulsa Race Massacre had anything to do with skin color. Ummm, it’s literally called a Race Massacre. It happened on Black Wall Street where 300 Black people were murdered by a white mob. So teach it but not in any way that discusses race? After the backlash to his whitewash, he did what guys like him do: cried that the woke left was just trying to make him look bad. Ry Guy, you did that all on your own. This is the same guy who called teachers unions terrorist organizations, so, hey, keep talking, we’ll keep recording.
🖖🏼Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin under the cover of night, as cowards bowing to the extremist Republicans so often do, removed suicide prevention resources for LGBTQIA+ youth from the Virginia state website. Y’all, for what purpose would anyone ever try to keep someone from accessing potentially life-saving information? Gods forbid some beautiful kid out there Googles for help & finds salvation in that spark of hope they receive from seeing that their government wants them to live. May your young kin, governor, rise up to vote you out.
🧪Annnnnd, last & definitely least, Alabama & MAGA Senator Tommy Tuberville told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins that White Nationalists are just white people who live in our nation. When Collins let him know that the actual definition of White Nationalist is “someone who believes that the white race is superior to other races,” Tuberville said, well, that’s some people’s opinion. WHAT THE … man, C’MON. I mean white people everywhere should be a) offended AF & b) banding together to send Tommy back to Tuberville: the land of you cannot be a senator ever ever EVER again.
🛑 Stop. I mean, enough, already. We all know the 💩show is endless with act after act of boys are better than girls, white is better than everything, & heterosexuality is #1 nah nah nah boo boo. Republicans are running around saying Jesus Loves You But Not You & No Big Government except for women’s bodies, queer bodies & people of color. Which is it fellas? I mean, speak up, really. We’re recording.
Dc Lozano Pope, Director of One Can Wish
*You are a gladiator. Gladiators don’t run, they fight, they slay dragons, they wipe off the blood, they stitch up their wounds, and they live to fight another day. — Olivia Pope.
➡️Written for PowerPac.org